Ruta Healing seminarai - dvasinio augimo ir tobulėjimo erdvė, kurioje Jūs galite grįžti į save, į savo natūralią būseną. Pradėti pažinti save giliau, kitame lygmenyje ir atgimti naujame išmatavime. Tai erdvė, kurioje Jūs galite prisipildyti subtiliomis energijomis, kurios aktyvuoja savigydos jėgas, savireguliacijos procesą organizme. Energija harmoningai pasiskirsto po visą Jūsų sistemą, energetiškai valo ir transformuoja visas neigiamas informacines energijas, pakelia vibracijų dažnį. Mentaliniame lygmenyje dirbame su mentaliniais blokais, ribojančiais įsitikinimais, senais mąstymo šablonais. Emociniame lygmenyje mokomės pajausti skirtingas emocijas, jas pastebėti ir identifikuoti, o kur jos mane veda? Dėka seminarų įvairovės ir profesionalaus vedimo Jūs galite jau dabar sąmoningai pradėti dirbti su savo kūnu, emociniu ir mentaliniu lygmenimi, sąmonę, pasąmone ir savo energija. Pajausti transformacijos galią ir Sielos atgimimą.
NEUROGRAFIKA su Ruta Healing
Sveiki, mieli bendraminčiai Noriu Jus pakviesti į praktinę online paskaitą "Reiki ir Neurografika". Aš papasakosiu plačiau apie Reiki ir Neurografikos metodus. Pravesiu Reiki meditaciją ir kartu nupiešime neurografinį gamtos landšafto paveikslą.
Neurografika - tai kūrybiškas saviugdos metodas, kuris apima darbą su sąmone ir pasąmone. Piešinyje yra naudojama Neurografinė linija, kuri suaktyvina neuronus ir padeda formuotis naujoms neuroninėms jungtims. Šis metodas yra moksliškai pagrįstas. Gali būti taikomas darbui su praeitimi, dabartine būsena ir naujos realybės kūrime.
Neurografikos metodo pagalba galima nuimti vidines įtampas, transformuoti neigiamas mintis ir emocijas, keisti įsitikinimus, formuoti naują mąstymą, aktyvuoti vidinius resursus, atskleisti savo potencialą, rasti sprendimus savo gyvenime.
Pasiruošimas: A3 arba A4 balto popieriaus lapas, juodi markeriai (rekomenduoju 1-2 mm., 1-3 mm., 2-3 mm.), spalvoti pieštukai arba žymekliai.
Kviečiu kartu piešti Neurografiką online
08.08. 20 val. Liūto vartai, Dvasinis prabudimas, Gausos intelekto aktyvacija.
08.16. 19 val. Meilė sau, darbas su ribojančiais įsitikinimais.
08.21. 19 val. Saulės jungtis su karališka žvaigžde "Regulus". Piešinys "Gausos Medis".
Vieno seminaro trukmė: 2-3 val.
Trijų seminarų kaina: 55 Eur

Heal the Wounds of the Soul
course online
As within, so without,
As above so below.
Let's turn our fears into joy
Distrust to self-love,
Rejection - to acceptance.
This program is a meditative journey to your inner space, the world of the soul, the subconscious level. With the help of high vibration energies, we can heal the wounds of our soul, transform poison into nectar. It's a kind of alchemy of the soul where we can do miracles and observe changes in the real world.
"The content of the personal subconscious consists of mental phenomena "pushed" by consciousness into the subconscious, which are unpleasant for a person or which are very uncomfortable and unacceptable due to the influence of the moral environment - these are primitive sensory instincts, morbid moods and ideas, various phobias, lost or intentionally forgotten painful memories and images, various sensory perceptions that are not mature enough and too weak to reach consciousness. And that so-called "expulsion" is a certain defensive mental process that works in a person throughout his life." CG Jung.
Soul Blogging Group
I invite you to write a Soul Diary together and experience many deep insights. You can join the group at any time.
When the Soul breaks free, it spreads its wings. She is ready to take off and fly. Let's create a space of the Soul together, where you can feel a close presence with yourself. It's so good to be there and sometimes you don't even want to go back.
The soul came to this planet Earth with a mission. The goal of every person is to develop and grow spiritually. Most people are distant from themselves because their focus is only on the outside world. They only believe what they see.
Those people who are spiritually awakened realize that they are more than the physical body. Nor the material form that they see. There is something subtle and sublime that can be felt with the heart.
The awakening of the soul is usually caused by painful factors: illness, divorce, painful experiences. Because in the comfort zone, the Soul often freezes...

Silent meditation
every monday at 8 pm online
Dear friends, every Monday at 8 p.m. I invite you to Tila's meditation "Homecoming".
Silence - when informational noise dissolves.
Silence - when noisy thoughts calm down.
Light and peace are born in silence.
You discover your true self in silence.
Where there is inner silence, it is real and strong to feel yourself Here and now, in unity with yourself, the circle of like-minded people and the Universe.
I invite you to accompany you to your sacred inner space in Silence.
Energy exchange - Thanks.
You can also share this information with your friends. Let our circle of light expand. You can invite Russian-speaking and English-speaking people. I can speak 3 languages fluently.
See you in the circle of light. It is much more pleasant to meditate together than alone.
Rūta Černiauskaitė
Baltic Lila game
Lila is a life-transforming game rooted in 2000 years of wisdom. It has been reborn in a new version of Baltic Lila and turned into a wonderful philosophy of life. The game helps to get to know and understand yourself better, to get answers to your questions.
Man often feels lost in his life. Not knowing what is the best decision to make on your path, which direction to go, how to discover your inner calling, reveal your talents, strengthen your health, improve your relationships, invite abundance into your life.
You can come with any question you have and get an answer during the game. Each cell in the game is alive, talking, carrying important information.
The game takes place live and online, on the specially created Baltic Lila game platform.